Hello, Biswappers!
Biswap always strives to create a comfortable and profitable crypto environment for our users. Your feedback, ideas and input are significant to the platform’s progress. Therefore, we enjoy engaging in a dialogue with our dynamic community.
💬 Where: Biswap Telegram Chat
Leave your questions HERE:
📩 https://bit.ly/3kEuHxW
📍Most popular and relevant questions will be chosen for AMA.
📍Dates and time of the AMA will be additionally announced by the Biswap team.
Biswap team is aware that our users are curious and have questions to ask our CEO. Therefore, we have decided to implement regular AMA Sessions on Biswap Telegram Chat where you can ask him the most interesting questions.
The Form is created to make the whole process more convenient for everyone. Users will need to fill out the form to submit their enquiries. Every AMA Session will be announced ahead of time, and links to the forms will be provided.
❗️New Activity for the AMA Sessions with CEO❗️
💰 Prize Pool: 1 000 BSW
👑 Winners: first 10 Biswappers who answer all questions correctly and join Biswap TG Global chat & Biswap Announcements channel
⏳ Duration: 24 hours
📍 Link to the AMA quiz will be available at the end of the AMA and be active for 24 hours.
Biswap CEO is looking forward to answering your questions.
Stay tuned and begin preparing for the next session!
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