Token contract address: 0x965f527d9159dce6288a2219db51fc6eef120dd1
Initial Supply: 0xc6aF770101dA859d680E0829380748CCcD8F7984
Initial Liquidity: 0xe36Fe999FA75A527147492685e24d2Ff7d727aE1
Hot wallet for Free BSW payouts: 0xbc52ed187b608ab20f8bd404eade4928ee6ff064
When you open our token contract address on BSC Scan, you will notice that 83% of tokens are held by one address: 0xc6af770101da859d680e0829380748cccd8f7984. 10 million BSW tokens is the amount that was allocated for the Free BSW Pool, marketing & strategic partnership purposes and to secure the initial liquidity.
Out of these 10 000 000 tokens, 400 000 BSW tokens were allocated to secure the initial liquidity.
The remaining tokens are sent to the address that is responsible for the Free BSW payouts.
Free BSW payouts include:
Free BSW rewards
Sign up bonuses from the pre-launch event
Rewards for the referral competition
Marketing & Partnership purposes include any activities aimed at increasing the brand awareness of Biswap. Free BSW Pool is also a part of marketing.
All the transactions made from the 0xc6aF770101dA859d680E0829380748CCcD8F7984 address will be clearly described and shared with the community.